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Product Showcase

VR2000 Flight Simulator*

The VR2000 Interactive Flight Simulator offers riders the most realistic real-time full-motion sensory experience available anywhere. Featuring MaxFlight's patented "Forward-of-the-Axis" motion technology and only MaxFlight has it. This system places the occupant where they can experience the G-forces of motion, instead of placing the rider in the center of rotation that other rides do.

VR2000Riders have total control over the speed and motion of their aircraft allowing them to perform complete 360-degree loops, banks and rolls up to 12 feet in the air.

Pilots master both skill and technique on the VR2000 ground-based flight trainer. Once strapped inside the fully-enclosed cockppit, complete with actual military hand controls and high-definition imagery, it's time to yank, bank and experience the exhilaration of unlimited motion.

Three games are currently featured on the VR2000, each allowing the player to select from a myriad of aircraft and skill levels.

"Dogfight" offers team sport or one-on-one play. Locate targets using onboard radar and weapons systems will lock on. Earn extra points through successful landings/take-offs from an aircraft carrier. Pull back on the stick and do a full loop into the air and out-maneuver your opponents.

MF_vr2000.GIF (45381 bytes)Perform solo aerobatics through an artificial ring system suspended in mid-air over the airport in "Time and Accuracy."

You race your opponents through the rings shooting missiles to slow your opponents down or back them up while you race ahead trying to achieve the highest score in "Air Race."

Up to 10 players can be active in the same game experience. Geographically separated centers can be networked for real-time interactive play.

MaxFlight Simulators are the lowest-cost/ highest-performance systems on the market. The small footprint required and the ease of operation make MaxFlight Ride Systems ideal for all entertainment areas.


"The Open Arcade Architecture initiative enables MaxFlight to bring to market a series of high performance motion-based entertainment devices which exploit the Pentium II architecture and take advantage of a range of 'bleeding-edge' technology from other participating companies without enduring the time-consuming and often problematic approach of developing all of the related technology in-house. This enables us to concentrate our efforts where our expertise exists, in bringing a state-of-the-art arcade motion platform to our customers, and protects that investment by ensuring the upgradability of the platform to take advantage of new technologies. OAA perhaps benefits us most in providing a conduit between companies such as ourselves and between us and emerging technology vendors that presents many new opportunities for product development and cooperative ventures."

Doug Swallow,
VP/Research & Development
MaxFlight Corporation

750 Airport Road
Lakewood, New Jersey 08701-5907
(732) 942-9898  
(732) 942-1114   fax

Sales Contact
Frank McClintic
President / C.E.O.

(732) 942-9898 x227
(732) 942-1114 Fax

PR / Media  Contact
Frank McClintic
President / C.E.O.

(732) 942-9898 x227
(732) 942-1114 Fax

Processor Used
Dual Pentium II  266MHz

Game Dimensions
Height: 12 feet 8 inches (3.86 meters)
Width: 12 feet 8 inches (3.86 meters)
Depth: 15 feet (4.57 meters)
42" Monitor
Full 2-axis 360-degree motion base simulator

OAA Product Showcase Main Menu


Last update: 11 March 98

* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation